woensdag 7 september 2011

My perfect travel quad

I own some Mac quads that I adore but I am trying to make a quad that I can stuff in my makeup bag and use on the go for a quick natural eye. I've pinned 3 classics down already, but not a clue what number 4 will be.

In the top row: Satin Taupe and All that glitters
The bottom one is Orb.

So I'm keeping an eye out for a friend for these 3 cuties. Possibly Naked Lunch but Carbon is also an option. Or Woodwinked. Or Shroom. I don't know! x_x

What would your ideal, go-to MAC Quad look like?
If those were the only shades you could use for a whole year, what would you pick?

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze kleurtjes heb ik ook! Naked Lunch is ook erg mooi!

  2. Oeh, een donker kleurtje dan! Carbon is naar het schijnt niet zo zwart, er is een donkergrijze die zwarte uitkomt (alleen weet ik daar de naam niet meer van).
    Een heel jaar... All That Glitters en Satin Taupe zouden er dan zeker in zitten :)

  3. I've got the same coulours and i've got a dark brown combined with them.
